Learn. the bike paths in Modesto are horrible, and the public transit system is slow. on the upside Modesto has managed to bring in revenue with it's rail way system.
Act: First thing I would tackle is the bike paths. I know from personnel experience that if the bike paths aren’t functional most people aren’t going to use them. To save the city money I would use the apprenticeship program that I talked about in earlier blogs to get a workforce that’s already being paid, so the actual cost won't be much larger than what were already spending. The second thing I would tackle is the public transit. I would replace it with an underground rail system using the same apprentice ship programs. the underground railway are much more efficient, than traditional busses.
Learn: with my awesome leadership super power I have gotten my projects completed. not only were thousands of people trained in the process, but the public transportation in Modesto has become way more efficient. Five years in the future my bike paths have been completed for three years. and car usage is down. in twenty five years my underground railways have been completed, and the car usage is way down, with the overall cost of transportation.
bike paths are great, but only if people can us mopeds on them this will promote fuel efficient commuting as long as the bike paths are inter-city.