mission two

Learn. So Stanislaus county is pretty big on agriculture. Wine grapes are their number two export. We can get money into the county by encouraging more people to drink wine! Well, probably not the best idea. We could encourage consumers to support local small businesses, for starters. we should also lower taxes placed on businesses, to encourage them to hire. Lowering the capital gains tax would also encourage more investment. I would take all those on welfare programs and attach them to apprentice ship programs so as to teach our citizens new skill and benefit the business’s that are willing to teach them

Act. If I could give out micro loans I would focus mainly on local small businesses that might be struggling, and encourage them to find ways to hire,  and adapt.

Imagine. My micro lones have eliminated unemployment, and the economy in Modesto has sky rocketed.

helping modesto

ARG mission 1

Learn- I talked to my aunt who has two young boys. the oldest is 9. When I talked to her about it she said that she was getting ready to put her kids into soccer, but said they decided not to because they can see my my older cousin falling behind. My Aunt thinks it's because their is allot more kids in his class not. he isn't getting the attention that he got before

act- I would institute a school voucher program, so if parents were not satisfied with their school they would have the choice to take them somewhere else. I would also try to organize as many parents as I could to volunteer to pick up these programs, so that they would hopefully not go away.

Imagine- if I had an unlimited amount of recourses I would give parents much larger vouchers so that they could choose any kind of school they wanted, and it would be fully paid for. I would also build more schools, especially is lower income areas. I would make sure that all the new school I built had all that they needed to be versatile, in that they could offer many different things to capture the students interest.


     growing up in a ruff neighborhood, i needed to learn how to defend myself. I spent most of my time watching and mimicking mma matches. In high school I started taking kendo lessons, and eventually went to compete as an olympic athlete in the art of kendo. Now disturbed by the gang violence in modesto, I watch the streets at night trying to keep them a little safer.

pedestrian Identity

     I grew up in merced CA, I am the middle child of three. I have two sisters. I have allways been into art and sports. I'm recently married to a wonderfull woman. We go on mission trips and play sports together. were both member of the Air National guard. She is getting he special ed credential, and I'm an Art major.