mission 8

Learn: I was surprised about how much modesto got going on. personally i'm into the art galleries. Espcecially since I don't have alot of cash. Modesto has everthing from plays, to workshops, to galleries, and to live performances. The artists farmers market is coolest sounding thing to me. Unfortunately budget cuts has taken it's towel on the activities that are available. fireworks and even charitable events like the hope run are a no go due to the financial burden.

Act: People need to band together. I would encourage different church and community groups to participate, and take some of the financial burden off the government. I would also try to help advertise so that more people would attend, hopefully encouraging support.

Imagine: Now their is ay more people participating, and the church and small community groups have given the productions a much more personnel feal.

mission 7

Learn: Modesto has a alot going on. Golf courses, tennis courts, art, classes, athletic classes, and more, modesto is really doing alot. with budget cuts comming up. They are going to have to elt some kind of maintenance go. This could any public place, ranging from parks to cemetarys.

Act: In hueson which right next to modesto, thier is a park where a group of about twenty people meet every thursday and play soccer at the park. It's cool they bring out their own goals which are homeade and play for atleast an hour. Ive played with them a few times, it was alot of fun.

Imagine. For a large community game I would have a large scavenger hunt with the clues posted in the newspaper once a month and online. first person to bring them to city hall, at ? time wins. Or soccer at the park is one of the cheapest things that you can do.

mission six

Learn. the bike paths in Modesto are horrible, and the public transit system is slow. on the upside Modesto has managed to bring in revenue with it's rail way system.

Act: First thing I would tackle is the bike paths. I know from personnel experience that if the bike paths aren’t functional most people aren’t going to use them. To save the city money I would use the apprenticeship program that I talked about in earlier blogs to get a workforce that’s already being paid, so the actual cost won't be much larger than what were already spending. The second thing I would tackle is the public transit. I would replace it with an underground rail system using the same apprentice ship programs. the underground railway are much more efficient, than traditional busses.

Learn: with my awesome leadership super power I have gotten my projects completed. not only were thousands of people trained in the process, but the public transportation in Modesto has become way more efficient. Five years in the future my bike paths have been completed for three years. and car usage is down. in twenty five years my underground railways have been completed, and the car usage is way down, with the overall cost of transportation.

mission 5

Learn: the housing situation is a huge mess. A combination of government regulations that allowed banks to sell to buyers who couldn't afford homes, and adjustable rate mortgages that took people by surprise have really messed things up. Right now the neighborhood restabilization act is a program trying to help home owners stay in thier homes. thier are also nonprofit groups that offer counseling.

Act: I'll work with the nsp to keep people in thier homes. I’ll also try to organize community service efforts like habitat for humanity to fix up homes, and board up abandoned ones so they don't become targets for crime.

imagine: Now families are back on thier feet, and in thier homes. also many people are enjoying home upgrades, and new found friendships and community form the people that helped them. The crime surrounding abandoned houses has also fallen.

health care

Learn: Exercise is allways good for everybody, but sometime kids are afraid to play because thier not as good. I would try to oranize more recleages for kids and organize them by skill level. also eating right is important. I would help set up more commune gardens, so more people can eat fresh.

Act: I would try encourag people to change insurances into health savings accounts where part of your payment goes in insurance, and part goes to a saving account, and combine that with a high deductable. Why?. most people have no idea what thhey are paying to go to the doctor because of insurance, which means that they certantly arn't shopping around fo the best deal. If you get the consumer to pay attention, and try to find better deals that should drive costs down. This will only work if thier are more doctors. the next thing to do is find a way to drive down the cost of becoming a doctor. right now the student loans encoured are rediculouse. I tink their has to be better options. Apprenticeship should be one, combined with self study.

Imagine: me and my super friends have got most of modesto active, and eating healthier. things like diabeties and heart disease are way down, and people are liveing happier lives.

mission three

Learn: I did some research. It turns out that Switzerland has the lowest crime rate in the world. Their low crime rate is largley credited to nearly everyone having a gun. not just a gun apparently they got a lot of big guns. m16's are apparently a normal a present you give to your daughter when she turns 12.Switzerland apparrintly also has mandatory military training, so people don't just have guns. they know how to use them

Act: Based on Switzerland, I would offer self defense training and try and make it easier to buy a gun.

Imagine. Intercom watches would be used to contact 911 immedietly. a click of your button on your wrist, and you have immidiete contact with emergency services.

mission two

Learn. So Stanislaus county is pretty big on agriculture. Wine grapes are their number two export. We can get money into the county by encouraging more people to drink wine! Well, probably not the best idea. We could encourage consumers to support local small businesses, for starters. we should also lower taxes placed on businesses, to encourage them to hire. Lowering the capital gains tax would also encourage more investment. I would take all those on welfare programs and attach them to apprentice ship programs so as to teach our citizens new skill and benefit the business’s that are willing to teach them

Act. If I could give out micro loans I would focus mainly on local small businesses that might be struggling, and encourage them to find ways to hire,  and adapt.

Imagine. My micro lones have eliminated unemployment, and the economy in Modesto has sky rocketed.

helping modesto

ARG mission 1

Learn- I talked to my aunt who has two young boys. the oldest is 9. When I talked to her about it she said that she was getting ready to put her kids into soccer, but said they decided not to because they can see my my older cousin falling behind. My Aunt thinks it's because their is allot more kids in his class not. he isn't getting the attention that he got before

act- I would institute a school voucher program, so if parents were not satisfied with their school they would have the choice to take them somewhere else. I would also try to organize as many parents as I could to volunteer to pick up these programs, so that they would hopefully not go away.

Imagine- if I had an unlimited amount of recourses I would give parents much larger vouchers so that they could choose any kind of school they wanted, and it would be fully paid for. I would also build more schools, especially is lower income areas. I would make sure that all the new school I built had all that they needed to be versatile, in that they could offer many different things to capture the students interest.


     growing up in a ruff neighborhood, i needed to learn how to defend myself. I spent most of my time watching and mimicking mma matches. In high school I started taking kendo lessons, and eventually went to compete as an olympic athlete in the art of kendo. Now disturbed by the gang violence in modesto, I watch the streets at night trying to keep them a little safer.

pedestrian Identity

     I grew up in merced CA, I am the middle child of three. I have two sisters. I have allways been into art and sports. I'm recently married to a wonderfull woman. We go on mission trips and play sports together. were both member of the Air National guard. She is getting he special ed credential, and I'm an Art major.